The 8th edition of Artgenève
The 19th-century artist, businessman and political philosopher William Morris wrote that people should live by a golden rule: “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” This rule seems to divide economics and art.
Economics is about the useful. Art is about the beautiful (Art Basel UBS – The Art Market 2018)
The motivations and philosophy of the art world have much to contribute to the economic world. Passion drives art, and passion is an increasingly valuable property in economics.
The art market today attracts a growing number of stakeholders: enthusiasts and collectors, operators in the sector, investors who want to diversify their portfolio.
Artgenève, over the course of seven years of continued development and consolidation, has established itself as a high end and internationally renowned contemporary and modern art fair.
The 8th edition of Artgenève will be be held from the 31st of January to the 3rd of February 2019.
The exibition welcomes many exhibitiors of public and private collections and many international galleries; every year this art fair is increasingly becoming a leading artistic platform for contemporary art, modern art and design.
The preview evening will be attended by say 400 collectors, specialists in museums, international art schools, local gallery owners and Swiss institutions active in the field of art and although the size of the Artgenève remains unchanged, the quality level of the participants continues to increase. Furthermore the distribution of the galleries is homogeneous and the prestigious names are now spread throughout the exhibition area.
A hundred galleries will be present in this edition of Artgenève and, as every year, the event dedicates ample space to a non-commercial exhibition program including institutional and private collections and curated exhibitions.
Sources : artbasel – deloitte – artgeneve.ch – artslife.com – artprice.com – artseconomics.com – espacescontemporains.ch
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